"As surely as there is a voyage away, there is a journey home."
-Jack Kornfield

14 August 2008

The Way of the World

What is the way of the world? What direction is this country, a pillar of the world we live in, heading? Is either road currently being promoted as the path to the future a viable departure from the way things now are?
Is there anything truly progressive, anything that will give the needed change, that is encapsulated, fabricated from the current mechanisms of political machinery?
Or is the way of the world simply more of the same?

More of the same media saturation on stories that simply do not matter for public discourse in this country...more of the same non-coverage of stories that should be shaping our political thoughts, towards either end of the spectrum?

A story such as the bombshell Pulitzer-Prize winning journalist Ron Suskind is reporting on in his new book, The Way of the World...a story of the fabrication of a letter, sanctioned and commissioned by the CIA under direct orders from the Bush Administration, from the former head of Iraqi Intelligence, Habbush, to Saddam Hussein.

Suskind Explains...

And then the letter. In the fall of 2003, when the White House is facing the most serious charge of the Bush presidency, that we went to war under false pretenses, they come up with a plan of how they might use Habbush, the White House. They order the CIA to have a fabricated letter created ostensibly in Habbush’s hand, backdated July 2001, solving all the White House’s political problems. As one of the key on-the-record sources says, it was a check-the-box for all of the problems politically the White House was facing in the United States.

That, of course, is illegal. You cannot have the CIA run disinformation campaigns on the American public. Just imagine the havoc that would ensue if that were not a law. That’s why right now Congress is investigating.

This behavior is illegal, and is not becoming of our country. This is not the government that our forefathers struggled to create; it is not a government of checks and balances, of transparency, and of the people, by the people. This is a government of deception and partisanship, special interests, and power abuse. We need change.