"As surely as there is a voyage away, there is a journey home."
-Jack Kornfield

25 August 2008

Diamond Sutra

Buddhism has a lot to offer. Mainly it makes you very happy. You remove all your negativities, and the qualities of your emotions improve and you become content. The individual becomes responsible for the individual's world, so any misfortune you might have is not blamed on an external force, like God. Rather it is due to your own state of mind. If you learn to observe your mind throughout the day, from hour to hour, and are very careful to be compassionate to other people, then the result after months or years is that your own mind becomes extremely contented. And thats what people want. So Buddhism works.

In the Buddhist tradition, a businessperson is not really successful because he or she has made a lot of money, nor even because the person has made a lot of money and knows how to enjoy it fully. The end is as important as the beginning and middle; you must be able to come to the end, the inevitable end, and look back on your life in business and say honestly that it was all worth it-that all your intense hours and years of effort have had some real meaning.

-Michael Roach, The Diamond Sutra