"As surely as there is a voyage away, there is a journey home."
-Jack Kornfield

16 August 2008


Where is the real attention being diverted? Nonsensical "Drill here! Drill now!" photo ops, and both candidates failing to show up at their day jobs for crucial energy bill votes....when can the attention be diverted to the real issues facing this country after 8 years of neglect? In this land of promise for so many, in this land of the American Dream, the promise is slipping. We need change.

"Most voters go into the booth woefully uninformed. Presidential campaigns are largely a compilation of 30-second television ads, endlessly speculating talking heads and nationally televised debates featuring gotcha questions and rigidly enforced time limits that preclude truly thoughtful answers....
What we haven’t had is a deep exploration of problems here at home that are threatening the very vibrancy of the nation, including: the dismal employment picture (there are many more Americans out of work than the official statistics show); the terrible toll that the housing and mortgage crisis is taking on families from one coast to the other; the tens of millions of Americans who are without health insurance coverage; the stunning high school dropout numbers; and a demoralizing problem with violent crime in several parts of the country."

--Bob Herbert, NYTimes