"As surely as there is a voyage away, there is a journey home."
-Jack Kornfield

15 April 2008

Sand and Sorrow

We live in a time of unparalleled abundance, and exceptional deprivation; a time of breakneck advancement and terrible stagnation. How these modern worlds, both 21st century worlds, continue on parallel tracks is insightfully troubling. An insight into personal insulation, a bubble of self, the simple refusal to acknowledge tragedy unfolding on this very day, in this very minute.
Fortunately, awareness has been instigated through the tireless work of a few; a few who feel it is their duty to spend their lives bettering the lot of complete strangers, living worlds away, in this 21st century. Such visionaries as Nicholas Kristof, Samantha Power, and John Pendergras, to name a few, who have been drawing attention to the world's largest humanitarian disaster, in Darfur, West Sudan.

This shocking film parallels their stories and tireless calls to action, with the stories of the countless victims, faced with repetitive cycles of inaction.
Paul Freedman's Sand and Sorrow, playing on HBO now. Please watch it. Awareness breeds action. Action can save lives. Write to your Congressmen and Senators!! Tell them that YOU, THEIR constituent, demands action in Darfur.

More Information:

"The evil in the world always comes out of ignorance, and good intentions may do as much harm as malevolence, if they lack understanding."
-Albert Camus, The Plague