"As surely as there is a voyage away, there is a journey home."
-Jack Kornfield

29 February 2008


"My greatest skill has been to want little."
-Henry David Thoreau

What a hard task....simplification in a world of desire and materialism. With the oncoming recession, economic downturn, or however you wish to phrase it, I think people will have an involuntary simplification. I wonder if they will take the time to cherish having less. To understand that once our basic human needs are met (think, Maslow's Heirarchy), its all "fluff;" it means nothing in relation to our happiness. In fact, it can have the adverse effect. I see much of what people do seems to involve the service of these things; paying for these things; admiring these things; hoping others admire these things. Myself, satisfaction comes from having less; relying on nothing more than can fit in one pack, that goes on my back. Ultimate mobility.