"As surely as there is a voyage away, there is a journey home."
-Jack Kornfield

10 October 2010

Thoughts. Words.

The old Tibetan ladies, in a seated row in the early morning sun rising over the great stupa,
display the tubs of kernels in front of their colored brocades.
The kernels are an offering to the flocks of pigeons who also call this area home;
life here is precious and revered for all beings, and this is manifested moment by moment,
glance by glance, step by step.
The scents of burning juniper, wafting from ornate carved silver boxes,
fills the air.

"When the eyes and the ears are open, the leaves on the trees teach like pages from the scriptures."

"In order to understand our lives it is essential top understand the nature of the mind. Everything that we are, everything that we do, has its origins in the mind. What we are is the manifestation of the mind. Rarely, though, do we take the time to create a space of silence to see how this mind of ours is working."
-Jack Kornfield

"Think of what your experience is from a moment to moment perspective: a sound, a sight, a thought, a sensation, and emotion, a smell, a taste. Moment to moment, these experiences arise and vanish, are being born and dying; the very nature of this process is constant, immediate, and continuous change. There is no possibility of holding on, although sometimes we try very hard to do so."

"We believe happiness lies in the experience of pleasurable feelings, ignoring their fleeting, unfulfilling nature. This ignorance feeds the craving in the mind for more and more pleasant feeling. And although our desire for pleasant feeling is continually being gratified, we are never fully satisfied, precisely because of the fleetingness and insubstantiability of these feelings...Its like trying to quench your thirst by drinking ocean water. The more you drink, the thirstier you become."

-Joseph Goldstein