"As surely as there is a voyage away, there is a journey home."
-Jack Kornfield

10 February 2009

A Polychromatic World

"The significance of an esoteric belief lies not in its veracity in some absolute sense but in what it can tell us about a culture...what matters is the potency of the belief and the manner in which the conviction plays out in the day to day life of a people...the measure of a society is not only what it does, but the quality of its aspirations."

"I sought escape from a monochromatic world of monotony,

in the hope that I might find in a polychromatic world of diversity,

the means to rediscover and celebrate the enchantment of being human."
"If people are the agents of destruction, they can also be the agents of cultural survival."

-Wade Davis

The Light at the Edge of the World