"As surely as there is a voyage away, there is a journey home."
-Jack Kornfield

20 November 2008

Do They Deserve Protection?

Many questions on life and humanity are contained in a letter sent on
behalf of 44 NGO's in the East of Congo, to the UN Security Council. The complete document is linked to at:


This is one particulary moving section of the letter:

This letter presents a sad, cynical, tragic and very frustrating situation, which
reveals the misery in which the population of North Kivu are immersed. We
are anxious, afraid and utterly traumatised by the constant insecurity in which
we live. We don’t know which saint to pray to; we are condemned to death by
all this violence and displacement. We have been abandoned. Who will protect
us? Who will help us? The United Nations says that all human beings are born
free and equal in dignity and rights, but our dignity and our rights are violated
every day with hardly a cry of protest. Do we not deserve protection? Are we
not equal to others?